本文共 5394 字,大约阅读时间需要 17 分钟。
$('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next', center: 'title', right: 'today' }, defaultDate: '2016-08-20', lang: 'zh-cn', buttonIcons: false, // show the prev/next text weekMode: 'liquid', events: function(start,end,timezone, callback) { var date = this.getDate().format('YYYY-MM'); $.ajax({ url: '?m=home&c=product&a=ajax&todo=ajaxGetProductMonthPrice', dataType: 'json', data: { id:{$id}, date: date, }, success: function(json) { // 获取当前月的数据 var events = []; if (json.status == '1') { $.each(json.info,function(i,c) { if (c.is_special == '1') { events.push({ title: '¥'+c.price+','+c.stock+'套', start: c.date , // will be parsed color: '#FFEBAC' }); } else { events.push({ title: '¥'+c.price+','+c.stock+'套', start: c.date , // will be parsed color: '#BEEABE' }); } }); } callback(events); } }); }});
var date = this.getDate().format('YYYY-MM');
每次点击上一月,下一月都会获取月份。 把月份传入后台,获取数据。$id = trim($_REQUEST['id']);$date= trim($_REQUEST['date']);$r = $this->product_db->get_one(array('id'=>$id));if (empty($r)) { // 不存在 $rdata['status'] = 2; $rdata['msg'] = '房源不存在';} else { $rdata['status'] = 1; $rdata['msg'] = '获取成功'; // 获取目标月份对应的数据 $special_type = $r['special_type']; // 0 无特价 1 周五,周六 2 周六,周日 3 周五,周六,周日 $special_price= $r['special_price']; $price = $r['price']; $stock = $r['num']; $days = get_day($date,'2'); foreach ($days as $k => $day) { $week = get_week($day); $info[$k]['date'] = $day; switch ($special_type) { case '0': $info[$k]['price'] = $price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '0'; break; case '1': if (in_array($week,array('星期五','星期六'))) { $info[$k]['price'] = $special_price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '1'; } else { $info[$k]['price'] = $price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '0'; } break; case '2': if (in_array($week,array('星期六','星期日'))) { $info[$k]['price'] = $special_price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '1'; } else { $info[$k]['price'] = $price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '0'; } break; case '3': if (in_array($week,array('星期五','星期六','星期日'))) { $info[$k]['price'] = $special_price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '1'; } else { $info[$k]['price'] = $price; $info[$k]['is_special']= '0'; } break; default: break; } $info[$k]['isRent'] = '1'; // 1表示可租 $info[$k]['stock'] = $stock; } $rdata['info'] = $info;}exit(json_encode($rdata));break;
/** * 获取当月天数 * add by Jim * @param $date * @param $rtype 1天数 2具体日期数组 * @return */function get_day( $date ,$rtype = '1') { $tem = explode('-' , $date); //切割日期 得到年份和月份 $year = $tem['0']; $month = $tem['1']; if( in_array($month , array( 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 8 , 01 , 03 , 05 , 07 , 08 , 10 , 12))) { // $text = $year.'年的'.$month.'月有31天'; $text = '31'; } elseif( $month == 2 ) { if ( $year%400 == 0 || ($year%4 == 0 && $year%100 !== 0) ) //判断是否是闰年 { // $text = $year.'年的'.$month.'月有29天'; $text = '29'; } else{ // $text = $year.'年的'.$month.'月有28天'; $text = '28'; } } else{ // $text = $year.'年的'.$month.'月有30天'; $text = '30'; } if ($rtype == '2') { for ($i = 1; $i <= $text ; $i ++ ) { if ($i < 10) { $i = '0'.$i; } $r[] = $year."-".$month."-".$i; } } else { $r = $text; } return $r;}
/** * 获取星期几 * add by Jim */function get_week($date){ //强制转换日期格式 $date_str=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)); //封装成数组 $arr=explode("-", $date_str); //参数赋值 //年 $year=$arr[0]; //月,输出2位整型,不够2位右对齐 $month=sprintf('%02d',$arr[1]); //日,输出2位整型,不够2位右对齐 $day=sprintf('%02d',$arr[2]); //时分秒默认赋值为0; $hour = $minute = $second = 0; //转换成时间戳 $strap = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year); //获取数字型星期几 $number_wk=date("w",$strap); //自定义星期数组 // $weekArr=array("7","1","2","3","4","5","6"); $weekArr=array("星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六"); //获取数字对应的星期 return $weekArr[$number_wk];}本文转自TBHacker博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/jiqing9006/p/5795799.html,如需转载请自行联系原作者